

The Milford-Haven Novels,
Novellas & Novelettes

The Milford-Haven Novels

The Adele Bonny Adventures

Pirate's Plunder


Mara Purl

Wendy Wilkinson


Awards for
Milford-Haven Novels

Awards for
Adele Bonny Adventures

Pirate's Plunder

Press & Media

Featured in in USA Today’s “Happily Ever After” blog, Mara ponders the notion of happily ever after … and why it’s so important. And perhaps even more important: How do we get there?

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Romance Junkies: Mara Purl Speed Interview

(RomanceJunkies.com) First, can you let us know what projects you are currently working on?  (Mara Purl) I’m working on book two of my Milford-Haven Novels, which is titled Where the Heart Lives.

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The Milford-Haven Novels

The Press Praises Mara Purl’s Milford-Haven Novels

What the Heart Knows Former Days of Our Lives star Purl presents the first novel in her Milford-Haven series, which, like most women’s fiction, features a setting of unadulterated beauty–the small coastal town of Milford-Haven, CA in the prosperous mid-90s–and a cast of successful, sexy, sometimes quirkily independent characters.

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